My husband and I often ask the question : How come our marriage and/or Relationship is good ? It is often a topic of discussion between us . In the coming months, I will share with you , what I think works for us . If it can resonate with some of you , I will be glad to have expressed my thoughts .
Tip #1 : Drink Together !
It does not have to be alcohol ! The pretext is having a drink . Talking between sips is key here ! Communication is number one in our book . When the children were Young ( we have 3 ) we had to find a way to be alone to exchange on our day . In our household, my husband and I dropped everything for about 15 minutes when we arrived home from work, to talk about whatever . Our meating place was outside in the entrance of the house . If it was nice outside, we sat on a couple of chairs . If it was raining, chilly or winter , we Grabbed our coats and stayed for a bit to chat outside . During that time, the kids were doing their homework, or watching a bit of tv or playing a game on the computer . This time was for us . It seems unrealistic sometimes because life is fast. If you make an effort to stop for just 10 to 15 minutes, you will see that in the long run, it makes a big difference . It will keep you both on the same page . So , wine, soda , juice, tea, coffee, water . Drink and Talk . Together .
Depuis aussi longtemps que je me souvienne, mon conjoint et moi avons toujours pris le temps de discuter à l’extérieur dans l’entrée de la maison chaque soir , ou presque , en revenant du travail . C’est essentiel je pense pour établir et garder une bonne communication dans le couple au quotidien . Même si la vie va vite, nous avons trouvé à travers les années, que ce simple fait de sortir ne serait-ce que 10 ou 15 minutes à l’extérieur de l’entrée de la maison nous a bien porté bonheur . Pour rendre la chose un peu plus sexy ou sociale, on appelle cela , l’apéro ! L’important c’est d’échanger . A ce jour, ce rituel est toujours de mise à la maison . Cet exercice nous aide bien à garder notre couple sur la même longueur d’onde.
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